
Quick Update On My Life: Sendai, Mount Fuji and I’m Going to be in a Magazine!

Matsushima, Japan. Matsu is the name of the type of tree that grows on the islands and ‘shima’ means Island. There are dozens of little islands like these, all over the bay. It’s breathtakingly beautiful. Some Good News I’ve had the last week off and spent a relaxing few days at my friend’s grandmother’s house… Read More Quick Update On My Life: Sendai, Mount Fuji and I’m Going to be in a Magazine!


Drowning in a Sea of Humanity, or, A Typical Day in Tokyo

If ‘three’s a crowd’ then the the word ‘crowded’ doesn’t even begin to describe Tokyo and it’s 11 million inhabitants, (35 million in the greater metropolitan area). It’s fascinatingly congested, in a ‘wow, how are they going to manage to squeeze that overweight tourist and his overstuffed suitcases into this already jam-packed train?’ sort of… Read More Drowning in a Sea of Humanity, or, A Typical Day in Tokyo

Teaching English in Japan, Uncategorized

The Hokey Pokey: That’s What It’s All About…My Job Teaching ESL In Tokyo

This is the song currently replaying over and over in my head: To the tune of “Are you sleeping?” “Walking, walking, Walking, walking, Hop hop hop, Hop hop hop, Running running running, Running running running Now we stop, now we stop.” I sing it everywhere. On the train, in the car, on a bus, and… Read More The Hokey Pokey: That’s What It’s All About…My Job Teaching ESL In Tokyo