In the last 20 days, I…
1. Spent four days in Palm Springs

2. Drove to Los Angeles
3. During a moment of job-hunt desperation in a Starbucks in Anaheim Hills, applied for a job teaching English in Las Vegas
4. Was called later that day for an interview
5. Drove to Las Vegas
6. Interviewed
7. Got the job
8. Got another job
9. Took one look at the US $415 a month one-bedroom condo (only US $375 to move-in!) and decided that perhaps Vegas wasn’t such a bad place to start life over again after all
10. Bought a car

11. Watched as three hours after forking over US $5,500 for said car, said car broke down
12. Had a @#$%^*&!@$# moment
13. Recovered
14. Got car repaired
15. Met the man of my dreams, got married and lived happily ever after.
Okay…So maybe that last part was a lie. But the rest is all true!
Pretty crazy, huh?
When I announced on Facebook that I’d suddenly up and moved to Vegas, one of my friends commented that I was the ‘least Vegas person she knew.’ And in a way, that’s true. I don’t gamble and my partying days are long behind me. Most nights I’m in bed before 11.
But Las Vegas has something that most cities in California don’t: cheap rent. I get paid enough where I only need to work part-time in order to meet all of my expenses. Which means that I won’t have to live in a house the size of a bath-tub and will have time to do the one thing I’ve been trying to do for the last four years: finish my book. If at the end of the year, I’ve paid off my bills and finished my book, I might consider moving again. But for now at least, Vegas is home!
Congratulations on finding a place that works for you and finally working on your book! I’ll be sure to come to my local book-signing while you’re on your first tour. ;D
[…] few weeks ago, my car was in the shop, so Frankfurter “Frankie” von Hot Dog and I decided to make the best of […]
[…] I left Central America and moved to Las Vegas, everything I owned fit into a backpack and a handful of boxes in my parents attic. Now, going on […]