I just read this fascinating article in the NY Times, “What’s New? Exuberance for Novelty Has Benefits”. You have got to read it. Go on, go!
Okay, for those of you too lazy, here’s a quick synopses.
According to research findings cited in the article, people who crave new experiences and change in their lives (I.e, “travelers”) are, on the whole, more content than those who do not. Though novelty-seeking has been associated with negative traits like drug addiction, impulsiveness and even ADHD, apparently when this trait is combined with persistence and the ability to see “the big picture”, novelty-seeking personality types have been found to be the happiest, healthiest and most well-adjusted people on the planet.
Ha! I KNEW it.
If you’re unsure about whether or not you fall under the category of “novelty-seeker”, you can take this quiz “How Adventurous Are You?” and find out whether you’re adventurous, curious or cautious.
My quiz results revealed that I’m adventurous, but then I guess we already knew that, right?
Wanna learn more about the risk-taker personality type?
Check these out:
[…] You crave novelty and […]
[…] a post I wrote about how travel can slow time and another one on how travelers are some of the happiest, healthiest and most well-adjusted people on the […]
[…] health benefits of travel are numerous. Research has found that traveling helps you live longer, it makes you happier and it makes your children smarter. What’s more, studies have found that vacations improve […]