
I Found a Job!

My goals for coming to Guatemala were simple:  Become fluent in Spanish, write a book and volunteer.  Well, thus far I’ve managed to become fluent in SpanGlish, write two-thirds of a book and volunteer for two whole hours at a domestic violence shelter.  So basically I’m zero for three on the goal front.

But I did manage to find a job.

Working wasn’t something I’d imagined that I’d be doing here.  But life has a funny way of throwing a crooked insurance company into your plans and putting you thousands of dollars in debt.

Yep, last week I found out that I owed a few thousand dollars on a medical bill.  A medical bill which I’d thought my insurance company was going to cover, but sadly…no.

So last Wednesday I faced somewhat of a dilemma.  Do I go back to the US and move in with my parents?  (My parents suggestion). Go back to working on a cruise ship? (My suggestion).  Marry my Dutch med-student housemate and move to Holland?  (My housemate’s suggestion).

Well, as luck would have it, that same day that I sat in the garden crying and bemoaning my fate (“I’m not ready to go hooooome,” I sniffled), my landlord showed up and announced that the school she taught at was looking for an English teacher.

Apparently one of their teachers had walked off the job that very day and they needed a replacement, ASAP.

Well, two trial lessons, an informal interview and 24 hours later, I was employed again.  Just like that.

I’ll be here until the end of the school year, which ends in October.  I’m hoping to have saved up enough money by that time to travel again.  I’d really like to explore the rest of Central America and South America, too (if I can afford it).  So if anyone reading this is game for that, holla at me.

Isn’t it funny how life just seems to work out perfectly sometimes?

PS I’m in Matador again!  Yay.  Click, read and comment!   Are Risk-Takers a Dying Breed? Muchas gracias, mi amigos.

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Reannon Muth
Reannon Muth is a full-time writer, social media consultant and owner and manager of the Taken by the Wind travel blog. Born in Hawaii, Reannon has lived in five countries, at Disney World and on a cruise ship. She currently lives in fabulous Las Vegas.

2 thoughts on “I Found a Job!

  1. Congrats on the job!

    Sad to hear about your insurance company. Dealing with US insurance has been one of the most stressful aspects of moving back to the US for me. It was so much easier when I could pay for health care in cash and have more control over what I was spending simply because I knew what was going on.

  2. Ugh, I know. Don’t even get me started! I was sooo upset about that last week. I called the insurance company on Skype from this little internet cafe and I was crying. I told them that I was unemployed and living in Guatemala but they didn’t care. The only thing they agreed to do was to put me on a monthly payment plan but even THAT I can’t afford.

    It’s funny because I made an appointment to see a dentist to have cavity drilled here and you know how much it’s going to cost?

    Less than three dollars!


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