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In my pocket-sized Spanish phrase-book, there’s a list of important phrases that you might need should you find yourself in an emergency in Latin America. Useful phrases like “Se me extraviaron los checks de viajero ” (“I’ve lost my traveler’s checks.” – Who carries traveler’s checks anymore?) and “Me ahogo” (“I’m drowning”. – Um, wouldn’t that be sorta obvious?).
Unfortunately, the writers of the Eyewitness Travel Guide forgot to include useful phrases for one of the most common Latin American emergencies of all: What to Say to the Bus Driver When You’re on a Six-Hour Bus Ride from Antigua to Xela, Guatemala and You Have to Pee and There isn’t a Bathroom On Board.
It would have been helpful if the writers had thought to include the phrase: “Please pull the bus over so that I can use the restroom or else I might pee my pants” or maybe they could have explained how to say “Can we please have a quick restroom break at the next road-side chicken shack? Thanks.”
But no. The closest thing the Spanish phrasebook has to offer for that particular emergencia is the ueber unhelpful: “Donde estan los Baños?” (“Where are the restrooms?”). But there’s no point in asking the bus driver that. He’ll surely just tell you that it’s in Xela and that “we’re almost there”, which is what he says when you ask him both one hour and 43 minutes and five hours and 19 minutes into your journey.
You consider simply getting off the bus the next time the driver briefly pauses in his lunatic driving to go over a speed bump or pick up the random family running down the side of the road. But although that would solve your toilet emergencia, it would leave you with an altogether new and possibly worse emergencia. One that could involve the phrases “Me asaltaron” (“I’ve been mugged”) or “Me violaron” (“I’ve been raped”). Because you are in the middle of no where, on a deserted mounain road with nothing but a cliff on either side.
So you wait anxiously, watching the rain slide down the window pane and trying hard not to think about your bladder exploding. Because then what would you say if that happened? There probably wouldn’t be a need for much of an explanation. People would see the puddle or note your soaked jeans as you did the Walk of Shame to the front of the bus and guess what had happened.
Although ironically enough, that’s when my Spanish book would finally come in handy. Because it actually has the perfect phrase should you find yourself in the “I Peed on the Bus and Need to Inform the Bus Driver But Don’t Know What to Say” situation. You could simply (and humbly) whisper the phrase:
“Los sientos. Yo he tenido un accidente.” (“I’m sorry, I’ve had an accident”).
Oh man, if I was your friend on this trip, I would have died laughing. If I were you on this trip, I would have died surrendering to my bladder urges! That is a TOUGH situation to be in!
okay, so I’m lost…did you pee on yourself on the long bus ride? D:
I would’ve just opened up a window and peed outside! Not as embarassing as soaking yourself..But hey I guess that would be easier for me to do since I’m a guy.
Nope, I didn’t pee on the bus! I swear. But I certainly came close to it. It’s funny cause one of the old men on the bus did actually pee on himself…It’s a long way to go without a bathroom break, let me tell ya.
I had similarly painful bus rides while in India. I think it was worse there because the bus rides were even longer. I never saw anyone pee out the window but I DID see several people (men) pee into water bottles.
Hey that would be an awful situation and I probably would have sat with wee dripping down my legs for a few hours. How to say ‘I’ve been raped’ is an important but unlikely situation to be in. This article is still funny and necessary
[…] I left Central America and moved to Las Vegas, everything I owned fit into a backpack and a handful of boxes in my parents […]
[…] Or this cringe-worthy post about how I almost peed on a public bus in Guatemala. […]
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