You don’t need to spend a lot of money on sight-seeing excursions to enjoy a day in a foreign country. You just need to adjust your idea of what “sight-seeing” involves.
One of my favorite things to do when in a new country, is to wander the aisles of the local grocery, department or toy store. I’ve spent entire afternoons happily sampling dried squid at the fish market or watching infomercials on how to make cupcakes using an Easy-Bake Oven in a toy store.
The following photos were taken a Toys R Us at a mall in Chiba, Japan. Probably the best part of the store was the “insect petting zoo”. They had live, over-sized black beetles and cockroaches that looked like they were straight out of a horror movie. Why, any parent would pay good money for their child to have their very own pet cockroach is beyond me.
Forget playing ‘doctor’…Here’s to giving kid’s a more realistic career goal…ha ha.
Barbie in Japan has black lipstick (?)